Wordpress 3.3 Is Closer To Its Official Launch with the Release of its Beta 3

As we all are familiar with cutting edge features of WordPress; one can smoothly extend or modify project with its hundreds of plug-ins available for free. WordPress comes up with the numerous brilliant features including full standards compliance, WordPress pages, easy importing, no rebuilding, easy maintenance & upgrades, superb WordPress themes, cross blog communication tool, multiple authors and many more features that can change the outlook of your blog and site. Great news for WordPress users! Recently WordPress has launched its version 3.3 Beta 3 which is currently available on testing mode released last week. Nothing bulky has been added to this release in comparison to WordPress Beta 2. But over 200 defects have been fixed up and editing text strings can be seen with many new improvements that makes the things more appealing to this release. When talking about Beta 3; it uses jQuery 1.7 at its core. It is advised to all theme and plug-in Authors that they must go through to the testing against their creation before posting; so to make sure that their creation is working with this novice WordPress as some incompatibility issues may occur.

WordPress 3.3 came up with the Beta 1 and Beta 2 releases last month for testing and several new changes to the features and plug-ins can be seen with these releases.

In the first release of WordPress 3.3 Beta 1, it was introduced with the several new features:

? One big new feature is HTML5 media uploader which has added a great versatility to the media uploading. Now manage files and work on various web technologies like Gears, BrowserPlus, Flash, Silverlight, even on standard HTML4 and do rest of the things easily.

?Another feature of Auto Adjusting has been added in the Admin Dashboard which automatically fits to the window or screen size you are using.

? Another interesting feature is fly out Menus which lets you to drop down/ rollover menu. So now avoid clicking again and again access submenus.

With the release of WordPress 3.3 Beta 2, several changes were made since Beta 1 including:

? Enhanced flyout menu with styling and fixed up with the glitches.

? Modified blue theme

? Finished pointers implementation

? Ready IE7 and RTL support

? More modified admin bar

? Welcome box feature added in Dashboard for new installs

? Enhanced contextual help styling

? Fixed a few defects

Well WordPress 3.3 Beta 3 is a wonderful application and it is nearer to its official release. Beta 3.3 is ready for you to easily install simply play it, test it and report it if you find any defects. It is a superb time to test your work as already 200 bugs have been fixed since the launch of Beta 2. As per WordPress report team they have not added any new features but simply eradicating all of the defects to launch a fully functional and successful application. Merely download it and seek if you find any bugs or defects.

Posted By: CSSChopper Team

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