WordPress 3.1

The 2011 become a golden year for the web development industry as it has been hit by several major revisions of some great CMS. Interestingly, the WordPress team has officially released 14th version of World’s most famous and award-winning publishing CMS WordPress – the WordPress 3.1 “Reinhardt” after Joomla 1.6 and Drupal 7. The latest WordPress Beta version will help WordPress developer to meet their day-to-day challenges while converting PSD to WordPress theme/ template easily.

The 3.1 release has made WordPress even better and comprehensive CMS than ever before for PSD to WordPress. To stay ahead, the WordPress 3.1 get powered with some fantabulous features and improvements such as archive pages for custom content types, advanced taxonomies and call custom field queries, Post Formats support, new Network Admin, streamlined interface, improved data import and export, improved security and usability features, refreshed Blue Admin panel scheme, bug fixes and many other new CMS capabilities.

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