Top 5 OsCommerce Add-Ons

osCommerce has emerged today as the most effective tool for managing e-commerce or online stores. This famous tool today helps in managing online carts effectively by generating positive results. osCommerce helps in managing various kinds of online stores by offering functionality and ease of use to customers. To make use of osCommerce efficiently, it is really positive to get some of its most beneficial add-ons.

Let’s Discuss About the Top Most Favorable osCommerce Add-ons

1. Order Editor

This is a very efficient add-on for every e-commerce site. With this effective tool, the programmer can make changes in the information about the various products displayed on the website very quickly and easily. It allows the customers to make additional choices to buy products and insert their discount coupons into their related products. The site manager can edit all types of information related to all the products very easily.

2. Easy Populate

This is another add-on from osCommerce that helps the e-store owner manage various programs with Excel sheets. One can download all data files in CSV format, which can be easily edited in software without using a web browser. One is free from updating the work of the various products, which kills a lot of time. It helps you to manage the work of the store by saving a lot of time.

3. Simple Template System

This is an add-on designed in order to give a sense of liberty to web developers to personalize their web store according to their choice. With this tool, one can simply provide various different looks to your osCommerce site without sound knowledge of HTML coding. Here you can change the look of several pages while altering a single page of website.

4. Purchase without Account

Purchase without Account is another special osCommerce add-on that allows the customer to make a purchase without setting up an account. By installing this add-on, one can proceed directly to make the purchase for the desired product.

5. Admin Notes

This is a special add-on from osCommerce that comes under admin tools. With this add-on, one can make some notes about important things like ideas, customer queries, customer suggestions, to-do lists, and many similar notes. The notes can be modified, edited, and erased whenever you wish. With this special add-on, you can save yourself from various bits of note papers littering your desk.

With the above mentioned amazing add-ons you can make your osCommerce site full of endless beneficial features assisting growth of your trade.

Posted By: CSSChopper Team

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