When I was kid I used to see my dad working with bundles of papers and stationary. The business plans at that time were not less complicated than ‘The Time Path’ or ‘Theory of Evolution’. A lot of complex graphs, pages of information and data, heap of contacts and resources! Gosh! Hey are you too running a business? Is your business website still in the age of my childhood? If you think it is than WAKE UP PAL!!! It is time for Data Visualization.

data visualization

Gone are the days when customers have the courage to read the manual book for understanding the offered services. The ‘competition in the market‘ is inversely proportional to the ‘time spend on understanding the services‘. No one loves to learn the things by text; but they love to learn the same by visuals like pictures, infographic, animations and videos.

In the year 1996 there were 1,20,000 websites in the world which further rise to 8,000,000 in the year 2000 and 366,800,000 in 2011. Do you know that 80% of the learning occurs visually as images are more easy and interesting to digest the complicated data.

When a person reads information from the text; he actually remembers only 20% of it after a single read. Not agreed? Ok without looking at the above paragraph tell me the statistics of websites in the year 2000 and 2011? can’t remember?  Further more if I ask you about the picture attached (at the starting of the post) than you will surely remember the concept, color and text used. I hope you got my point.

To tell you more about the importance of data visualization in a website; I am compiling an amazing info graphics below. I hope you will enjoy it along with learning.

Data Visualization: A Cheaper & Better Way to Tell That You Sell


Impressed by the concept of Data Visualization? If you think that your website needs some tweaks after reading this post than be sure you do it as soon as possible. Do remember that it is impossible to make your clients brought your services until they don’t know what you are offering.

Posted By: CSSChopper Team

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