The first step while building a website is to choose a content management system. When we search for a CMS; we are actually served with dozens of results. If we talk about the no. of users then Joomla and WordPress top the charts. So even when we concentrate our choice on these two CMS; it is still very difficult to choose the best. 

Joomla vs. WordPress

Joomla or WordPress? I think Joomla is better with more advanced features. No! WordPress is the best with enhanced SEO. Joomla vs. WordPress is a never ending debate but a fair comparison between both can make it easy for the novice to choose.


User Statistics & Popularity

When we talk about the user statistics and popularity of Joomla and WordPress; the results are clear enough to tag the winner. At one hand where WordPress possess a market share of more than 17%; Joomla (2.8 %) lacks behind with a huge margin.


Technical Stuff

Undoubtedly WordPress is recommended as the best CMS especially for blogging websites but at present a huge following of developers suggests Joomla for complex and bigger websites. So when we talk about the technical stuff; Joomla vs. WordPress remains a tie as it depends on the type of website user wants to create.



SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a very crucial factor to be looked at while choosing a CMS. In the segment of SEO; both the competitors are looking strong. But when we have to decide between Joomla vs. WordPress then WordPress looks on a bit heavier side.



The functionality of a website is not just a matter of core or default customizable options of a CMS. The additional extensions play a vital role while designing a website. In the case of Extensions; it is again a tie between Joomla and WordPress.


Setup and Maintenance

Nobody will opt for a CMS with complex setup and maintenance. As per the experienced names in the development field, both Joomla and WordPress are easy to learn and setup. But when we talk about the communication support; Joomla is a far better option than WordPress.

So Which CMS to Choose between Joomla vs. WordPress?

You can reveal the curtains of the show by moving down the page and going through the interesting infographics provided below. This infographics demonstrates all the above discussed point in an engaging manner.

Icing the cake you can even go through the chart incorporated in the infographics to decide the best CMS for your website.

Joomla-vs-Wordpress infographics

Posted By: CSSChopper Team

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